Excelsior Springs Office

1600 Rainbow Boulevard,

Excelsior Springs, MO 64024

Retirement Plan Vendors

Did you know your retirement plan data is measured and scored compared to industry, size, and national averages? Has your advisor provided your most recent plan score and history? Most sponsors want to know how their plan compares to others and what red flags (if any) are showing on their Annual Plan Report, and how to address and improve their own retirement savings plans.

There have been many changes to retirement plan rules since the crash of 2008-2009 and some of those can simplify administrative compliance or reduce some burdensome restrictions. Other changes allow owners and key employees to save more in retirement plans than ever before, and also save money in Roth 401(K) options.

Our local firm has the resources and experience to fine tune your existing plan, improve its performance over time, and reduce potential plan compliance liabilities.

Here is a list of plan providers we can work with: